
EFVV organisations in Croatia:

Građanska inicijativa Cijepljenje – pravo izbora
Other pro-choice organisations:
Vaccination policy
In Croatia immunisation is mandatory against 10 (ten) diseases:
- diphtheria
- haemophilus influenzae tybe B
- hepatitis B
- measles
- mumps
- pertussis
- poliomyelitis
- rubella
- tetanus
- tuberculosis
With all the boosters, full immunization amounts to approximately 30 shots. The HPV vaccine is not mandatory but strongly recommended and advertised.
Parents who choose not to vaccinate their children can be fined a maximum of 230 € for each refusal and are sometimes threatened with jail sentences. Before coming to court, parents are invited to have a consultation with an epidemiologist. Also, averted by the health authorities, social services investigate parents for child neglect.
There are four medical exemptions allowed by law, but it’s extremely difficult to get them:
- A febrile infection at the moment of a well-visit (temporary exemption)
- A compromised immune system (HIV, cancer…)
- Confirmed allergy to the components of the vaccine
- Proven adverse event from previous vaccination
No allergy tests on various components of the vaccine are conducted prior to vaccination
Unvaccinated children in Croatia are not allowed in nurseries, preschools and kindergardens, but they are allowed in primary school, since it is considered obligatory education and there’s no homeschooling or unschooling.
Adverse event following immunisation public reporting system
In Croatia side effects are mostly denied and not reported. There is no compensation law or fund and most parents choose not to sue.
In Croatia there is an Ordinance on pharmacovigilance that provides for the detection, assessment, understanding and prevention of, and actions to be taken in the case of, adverse reactions of a medicinal product. Reporting adverse reactions is mandatory. In case of an adverse reaction to vaccine, it has to be reported both to the Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices (hereinafter: Agency) and Croatian National Institute of Public Health (hereinafter: CNIPH).
A healthcare professional must report to the Agency and to the CNIPH about any suspected adverse reaction to a vaccine marketed in the Republic of Croatia.
A healthcare professional must report to the Agency and to the CNIPH serious adverse reactions to vaccines no later than 30 days after becoming aware of them, and subsequently as necessary and by submitting follow-up reports. In case of a serious adverse reactions resulting in death, it has to be reported by telephone no later than 24 hours after becoming aware of it.
Health professionals shall report all adverse reactions to vaccines, regardless of their seriousness or expectedness, but that is not the case in reality.
A patient/user of a medicinal product shall notify his physician or pharmacist or another healthcare professional with whom he has come in contact, of any suspected adverse reactions to the medicinal product or vaccine. A patient can report adverse reaction in writing to the Agency by post or via e-mail:
on-line reporting form (WHO made)