International Event On May 13, Bear Witness
Telegram channel for information :
13 May - World - Together for Truth
European Forum For Vaccine Vigilance - Isofia International Children Health Defense Europe - Ligue Nationale Pour la Liberté des Vaccinations - GreLiVe Grenoble – Action 200 Perpignan - Collectifs du 77 - Alliance du Peuple-ADP TV - Verity France - Association Internationale Pour une Médecine Scientifique et Bienveillante- Réseau des Victimes des Accidents Vaccinaux - Dépêches Citoyennes - Aletheia Italia ...
invite you to participate in a joint day of action on 13 May 2023:
COVID vaccinations
May 13 2023 - A Day to Bear Witness
Hello to all of you,
We propose to participate in a first large-scale joint action in as many European and World cities as possible on Saturday 13 May 2023.
The success of the formula in France on December 10 (79 meetings in 53 places, with a significant media coverage) and elsewhere in other occasions, in other coutries, gives us reason to believe that this international event could make a difference.
Their war is international, through institutions, lobbies and media, ad as such we need international resistance. We cannot remain separated, because of an illusory feeling of helplessness, of disorganisation or even because of a personal ambitiion or distrust, loosing opportunities, inspiration, strength and efficiency to work at a global scale. We are dozens of millions, hundreds of millions, billions to refuse their dystopic future. Let’s prove that we are numerous, informed and organised everywhere.
Let 2023 be the year of our European Unity and why not World unity.
The Concept : Witness through portraits, words and figures
In partnership with the structures and personalities mentioned at the beginning of this document (and all the others that will join us) , and families of the victims, the 10 December collectives – Pour Changer l’Histoir are calling for a public European Day of witnessing on the covid 19 vaccines adverse events all around Europe.
The unifying elements will be large portraits of people (A1 if possible) who died from injections, or who were seriously affected by them, direct witnessings by the victims themselves, by their relatives or organisations, and facts and figures.
The cost of the large portraits should not be a deterrent: even well-mounted A2 or A3 colour posters are effective.
The action will be carried out in the most pacifist, but also the most dignified and strongest possible way, to communicate about the serious and deadly adverse events of Covid vaccines.
Each portrait will be accompanied by a few very clear lines, visible from a distance, specifying, without detailing the nationality: the first and last name of the person, the age, the injection given, the time and cause of death, or the serious undesirable adverse events caused. And sometimes a ban on autopsies.
Last year, Verity France launched the Call of the 18 June in Paris, on the anniversary day of a famous speech by the Général de Gaulle calling to resistance in 1940. On the 10 december, the Day of the Human Rights, we launched A Day to Bear Witness and to Change History in the whole France. This year, we choosed the 13 may close to Europe Day (9 May) without thinking of this famous speech by Winston Churchill, but it is certainly not a chance :
« We are in the preliminary stage of one of the greatest battles in history.... You ask, what is our policy? I will say: It is to wage war (...) with all our might and with all the strength that God can give us; to wage war against a monstrous tyranny, never surpassed in the dark and lamentable catalogue of human crime. That is our policy. You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word: Victory. » Blood, toil, tears and sweat
And let’s add this other words by the same :
« We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender. »
On 13 May 2023, let’s fight everywhere in Europe exposing the truth and making it a founding day for the Resistance.
A total war against the living has started through these injections that can allow still sleeping people to open their eyes on the big picture : what has started being done to the Human is what has been done to the Earth for years : sterilisation of the soils, GMOs, and now for us : artificial Intelligence, disappearance of cash, destruction of the hospital, prohibition of care, tracking, digital identity, abolition of the human/machine border, manipulation of embryonic stem cells, hyperviolence of screens, transgender propaganda... RNA covid vaccines affecting the genetic program of billions of men, women and children, perhaps soon to be integrated into all vaccinations… All this while impoverishing the populations.
From 10am or 2pm depending on our possibilities, let's bear witness everywhere of the adverse events of Covid vaccinations, by word and image, let's encourage and bring our loved ones and anyone we know to bear witness! The uselessness and damage caused by injections have started to spread in people's consciousness, and a fundamental work is underway.
If every one of our voices didn't count, they wouldn't try to control any of them.
Every voice that carries the truth makes them tremble and shake.
Inform people around you, including national and international resistance leaders.
There are so many of us who refuse to accept this world and the story that is being told . Everything depends on our silence and our disunity.
Let us show where passivity or submission can only lead, while organising ourselves is possible, locally and everywhere, in non-violence and non-cooperation with the oppressor, in order to build together the true and free future of the peoples.
History has shown us many times that, through the testimony and perseverance of victims, lawyers, associations, whistleblowers, journalists, politicians... scandals break, injustices are stopped, corrupt governments fall.
Let us meet on 13 May!
"Give me a fulcrum and I will lift the world" Archimedes

In the wake of the December 10 event, the League supports the international re-edition of the day of testimony for the victims which will take place on May 13.
Here's the gist.
May 13, 2023: Global Day of Witness
on the adverse effects of covid 19 vaccines
After more than 2 years of imposed, useless, experimental vaccines, in violation of Human Rights, millions of people have died or had their lives shattered.
Against the march forward of an entire totalitarian system… what to do on May 13, 2023?
- EXHIBIT in the most frequented places large portraits of people who died following injections, or seriously affected by them, mentioning the name of the victim, the age, the vaccine, the cause, and the time elapsed after the vaccination. Manifestations can be stationary or moving. The portraits can also be displayed on cars, on windows, on balconies, or stuck in authorized public spaces, signs…
- TALK : testify about adverse events if you are a victim, a parent, a doctor, a carer, an organization.
- INFORM through official reports from the ANSM, facts and figures, the consequences of all the decisions of the health dictatorship (masks, PCR tests, confinements, corruption, ban on care and drugs, etc.)
And let's say NO to the total war against life and freedoms, the issue of vaccinations, with GMOs, censorship, the digital identity card, global surveillance, 5G, the end of state sovereignty and the cash
How to help?
- spread the news of the event everywhere - organize an event and bring people together - convince personalities to launch a general appeal to testify for this day - collect testimonies from victims' organizations or around them before the events and convince victims to speak up directly, or through inscriptions or text - print and distribute comprehensive national and international adverse event reports, facts and figures - explain adverse event processes: antibodies, spike, HLA system… - showclearly the direction in which all decisions have been taken for years - inviting doctors, personalities, lawyers, politicians - bringing together the alternative press and the mainstream press - programming a musical set
Oppression only lasts because we are silent and divided.
If every one of our voices didn't count, they wouldn't try to control every one of them.
Take part in this historic Day of United Resistance.
In partnership with many national and international structures, media, personalities, collectives, families of victims.