International Vaccine Injury Awareness Day is a day of joint support from people around the world for those whose lives have been significantly affected by vaccination. Some live under compulsory vaccine policy and others have voluntarily made the choice believing that vaccines are safe.
International Vaccine Injury Awareness Day is dedicated to all whose lives have been changed forever by vaccination side effects because their loved ones suffer with vaccine damage. It is dedicated to parents and extended families, the direct and indirect victims who bravely carry the burden of lifelong care, especially of injured children. It is dedicated to their personal courage and to the social deprivation and mistrust they experience from others on a regular basis.
In some countries there is no state care and support for these families, not even an organization to whom possible adverse reactions can be reported. In other countries compensation and assistance is available for victims of vaccination. Some countries pay out to only a few cases a year while the US has paid out $3 billion for vaccine injury in the last generation.
Parents and patients are under pressure from advertising campaigns claiming almost zero risk in vaccination. In the name of expertise they are ridiculing those who bear the consequences and ask questions. Media campaigns turn people with personal experience of injury, afraid of further consequences, into ‘enemies of society’, disrespecting them and contributing to the negative atmosphere.
On this day, may people light candles in public places, in memory and support of those who have lost part of their lives to vaccination. Let us light a candle in the hope that those deciding on national vaccination programs will truly address the effects of vaccination and not succumb to interest groups. Light a candle as a symbol of support for those whose lives have been heavily affected by side effects of vaccination. Light a candle to shed a little more light on those injured by vaccination. Light a candle for hope and compassion.
How can you contribute?
- Visit the website to light the virtual candle by simply clicking on it, and share the website on June 3rd.
- Print out posters and light a candle at home or in public places with friends and share on social media.