A letter to the ORF against the measles mandatory vaccination by Mag. Claudia Millwisch former BOARD MEMBER of EFVV
For today’s discussion in the Mittagsjournal, I would like to share with you an important document with information of the EFVV (European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance).
Measles vaccination part 1:
Information about the measles vaccination
As of May 2019:
So that you as a politician, doctor and patient can form an informed opinion about the decision to have a measles vaccination, scientific facts about the vaccination are attached here. Please take the time to read this information carefully.
Please discuss the following points together:
Subject: compulsory vaccination against measles:
In recent weeks, there has been an international campaign for the introduction of compulsory vaccination against measles. On its website, the WHO declares a differentiated, cautious vaccination decision to be an "emergency" and a "threat to global health" (WHO 2019), thus equating it with, for example, the climate crisis and global air pollution. This has created great unnecessary and irrational fears among the population and has led to great uncertainty.
Measles has always been a childhood disease and even before the introduction of vaccinations there were hardly any deaths in countries like Germany. For weeks now there has been a massive vaccination campaign for compulsory measles vaccination. Some misinformation is being spread through the mass media. In 2016 there were 635,260 deaths in the USA from heart disease, 598,038 deaths from cancer, 251,454 deaths from medical errors, 40,000 deaths from car accidents, 11,000 deaths from hospital germs, 100 deaths from lightning strikes and 0 deaths from measles. In Germany the figures are proportionally similar, as are those in other European countries. Although there was one tragic death from measles in Germany in 2015, the child was already seriously ill beforehand. So why do the media talk about dangerous epidemics?
The consequences of compulsory vaccination could have dramatic effects on the health of the population, as we are already seeing in regions of China (measles paradox). This will result in more and more vaccine failures and ever larger epidemics.
Introduction to measles vaccination
1) The media is currently calling for compulsory vaccination to be introduced in order to eradicate measles. However, this is not legally possible in the current situation and is a scientifically untenable hypothesis.
Because as we will see below:
a) A certain percentage (between 5 and 26%) of the population does not respond to the measles vaccinations.
b) The increase in the measles titer only lasts for a few years. So there can never be so-called herd immunity.
c) Currently, countries with the highest measles vaccination rates have the largest measles outbreaks (see measles paradox).
d) Almost 40% of outbreaks are caused by vaccine viruses themselves.
e) The most commonly used argument that smallpox was eradicated by vaccination is false. Plague, smallpox and cholera have disappeared in our latitudes due to improved hygiene and living conditions. The smallpox vaccination in the 18th and 19th centuries consisted of the contents of pus blisters. It was only when the "vaccination campaigns" against smallpox were stopped that the smallpox disappeared (Humphries, 2015).
2) The media says there are hardly any side effects.
a) The package insert alone contains a much higher number of complications for even serious side effects than reported.
b) A maximum of one in 100 side effects is actually reported.
c) While there have been no deaths from measles in the United States over the past 10 years, 463 deaths have been reported following vaccination. If we take point 2 seriously, this number would increase by a factor of 100.
d) Even after approval studies, side effects are usually only recorded for a few days or, in rare cases, for more than a month, but science knows that it sometimes takes months for them to break out.
e) Vaccine side effects are almost exclusively reported when they occur shortly after vaccination. And even this happens in very few cases.
f) The complication of inflammation of the brain (SSPE), which is always mentioned in the media, can also occur after vaccination and this can happen just days after vaccination.
3) Facts about the measles vaccination:
1. In Germany we have a vaccination rate of 97% for the first vaccination against measles. For the second one it is also 93%.
Given these numbers, it is not justified to speak of a vaccination emergency. To ensure "hypothetical herd immunity", 95% is said to be enough. Please read about the theory of herd immunity below.
2. Compulsory vaccination against measles is legally contrary to paragraph 6 of the Infection Protection Act (Section 20 paragraph 6 IfSG).
(6) The Federal Ministry of Health is empowered to issue a legal order with the approval of the Federal Council ordering that threatened sections of the population must take part in vaccinations or other specific prophylactic measures if a communicable disease with clinically severe forms of progression occurs and its epidemic spread is to be expected. The fundamental right to physical integrity (Article 2, paragraph 2, sentence 1 of the Basic Law) may be restricted to this extent. A person who is required to be vaccinated under this legal order and who, according to a medical certificate, cannot be vaccinated without endangering his life or health, shall be exempted from the vaccination requirement; this also applies to other specific prophylactic measures. Section 15, paragraph 2 shall apply accordingly.
3. Compulsory vaccination against measles is contrary to the Basic Law (Article 2, Paragraph 2, Sentence 1 of the Basic Law):
(2) “Everyone has the right to life and physical integrity. Personal liberty is inviolable. These rights may not be interfered with except in accordance with a law.”
4. The Scientific Service of the Bundestag has the following opinion on the question of the constitutionality of compulsory vaccination:
"The balancing of these conflicting fundamental rights interests must be carried out separately for each vaccination or each disease. The interest in compulsory vaccination will probably only prevail in the case of diseases where there is a high risk of a fatal outcome for the life or health of the child and a not insignificant probability of infection. But even with a constitutionally permissible compulsory vaccination, the legislature will have to provide for exceptions so that the appropriateness of the interference with fundamental rights can also be taken into account in special individual cases."
About the measles vaccination:
• There is a significantly increased risk of emergency room admissions following childhood measles vaccinations, which demonstrate that the vaccination is not without risks.
• Similarly, the reported number of deaths following measles vaccination in industrialised countries far exceeds the number of deaths from measles disease.
• Measles outbreaks cannot be completely prevented even if we have a nearly perfect vaccination coverage, because the measles vaccination itself has become a reason for the outbreak clusters because the vaccination is a live vaccine and can be contagious.
• Effective methods for treating measles and other viral diseases in unvaccinated infants and immunocompromised people are currently available, as we shall see below.
What you should know about the measles vaccination to make an informed decision.
As parents, doctors and politicians, please inform yourselves about the following points:
1. Measles is portrayed in the press as a fatal disease, but even before the introduction of vaccination there were hardly any more deaths in industrialized countries such as Germany
Measles was already a low-risk disease before the introduction of vaccination. The annual death rates quoted in the press refer almost exclusively to developing countries, where poor hygiene conditions and malnutrition are a part of everyday life. The measles death rate among children under one year of age had already fallen by 99.25% before the introduction of vaccination. The mortality rate was therefore 134 times lower before vaccination. In the general population, the death rate fell by 99.35% (Office for National Statistics, 2000). The death rate of one in a thousand people with measles quoted in the media cannot be verified by any statistics. There have been no deaths from measles in the USA since 2003.
(Source: Office for National Statistics, 2000)
The vaccination was introduced in England/Wales in 1968.
2. Deaths from measles have secondary causes
Even before the introduction of mass vaccination programmes, it was already known that deaths from measles were more likely to be related to poor living conditions (nutrition, hygiene, etc.) and secondary infections during measles infection (Barkin, 1975; Shanks, 2013). This is still the case today in developing countries in poor regions of Europe. In the first two months of 2019, 34 300 cases of measles were reported in 42 countries in the WHO European Region, including 13 deaths due to measles in three countries (Albania, Romania and Ukraine). The majority of cases are reported in Ukraine, with more than 25 000 cases (> 70%). Please read more below (WHO, 2019).
3. In wealthy countries, more people die from the measles vaccination than from measles
As described below, according to a study commissioned by the US health authority, only one in a hundred actual vaccine side effects is reported (this estimate is probably still far too low). In the USA, there have been no measles deaths in recent decades, but 463 deaths have been reported following vaccination. Multiplied by a factor of 100, this would mean 46,300 deaths from the measles vaccination. The Paul Ehrlich Institute's reporting database records 15 deaths following measles vaccination. We do not know how high the actual number has been in Germany in recent years.
4. Immunity of vaccinated people vs. people who have had measles
The measles titer is only high enough to reduce the risk of infection for about 10 years
While a naturally acquired measles infection provides lifelong immunity (Griffin, 2016), a potentially effective increase in antibodies after vaccination in individuals who have not had natural measles only lasts for about 10 years (LeBaron, 2007). This means that a large part of the population is no longer protected by vaccination and we would have to prepare for major outbreaks. However, in industrialized countries, these only occur in societies with high levels of vaccination (measles paradox). This leads to a new situation, as in the current generation many babies are no longer protected by their mothers' immunoglobulins and teenagers and adults can now also contract measles. The measles vaccination has a short-term protective effect of 90-95% (FOPH). However, Mitchell and Tingle (Mitchell, 1998) were able to demonstrate in a study that one year after vaccination, more than 16% of those vaccinated no longer had any vaccination protection. For this reason, it is being advocated to postpone the second MMR vaccination until younger, which is now officially recommended by the STIKO. However, it is questionable whether this will solve this dilemma, as there are a number of studies that show that after the booster vaccination, the antibodies do increase, but then fall again very quickly, so that there is no longer any protection from the vaccination (Bartoloni, 1997).
5. The measles paradox
The apparent paradox is that measles becomes a disease of vaccinated individuals when the measles immunization rate in the population increases to high levels (Poland & Jacobson, 1994). Countries with vaccination rates close to 100% are now increasingly affected by large measles epidemics. In China, a country where measles vaccination is mandatory and enforced by law, measles outbreaks continue to occur despite some high vaccination rates. For example, in Zhejiang Province, measles, mumps, and rubella are common, despite vaccination rates being over 99%. All children there are required to receive a first dose of MR vaccine at eight months of age and a second dose of MMR at 18 to 24 months of age. In 2008, 12,782 cases of measles were reported, corresponding to 252.61 cases per million inhabitants.
An analysis of measles cases in Tianjin, China, found that among children with a recorded vaccination history, a significant number of those infected with measles were vaccinated, with 26% even contracting measles despite receiving two or more doses of measles vaccine (Masters, 2019).
The Bulletin of the World Health Organization also published a study examining recent measles outbreaks across China. Between 2005 and October 2013, 596,391 measles cases and 368 measles deaths were reported in China. From 2009 to 2012, there were a total of 707 measles outbreaks, with a significant increase in 2013. The annual incidence rate (cases per 100,000 inhabitants) decreased from 9.95 in 2008 to 0.46 in 2012, but then increased to over 1.96 in 2013. The average age decreased from 83 months in 2005 to 14 months in 2012 and 11 months between January and October 2013. The vaccination program is therefore not only ineffective, but also leads to a shift in the age of onset of the disease to less than one year, which dramatically increases the rate of complications (Ma, 2014). Studies (Poland, 2012) report on the need to develop new vaccines, as more and more fully vaccinated individuals not only become ill but also spread the virus.
Studies have shown that measles outbreaks have occurred even in populations with nearly 99% vaccination coverage. According to a 1987 article published in the New England Journal of Medicine (Gustafson, 1987), an outbreak of measles among adolescents occurred in Corpus Christi, Texas, in the spring of 1985, despite mandatory vaccinations for school attendance that were thoroughly enforced. They concluded, "We conclude that measles outbreaks can occur in high schools even when more than 99 percent of students have been vaccinated and more than 95 percent are immune." According to an article published in the American Journal of Epidemiology titled "A Persistent Measles Outbreak Despite Appropriate Prevention and Control Measures," an outbreak of 137 cases of measles occurred in Montana. School records indicate that 98.7% of students were adequately vaccinated, leading researchers to conclude: "This outbreak suggests that measles transmission may persist in some settings despite adequate implementation of the current measles elimination strategy (Davis, 1987)."
6. Measles virus genotypes
The virus used in today's measles vaccination was isolated in 1954 as the so-called "Edmonston Strain". While only this genotype A was taken into account for the measles vaccination, according to the WHO there are 24 different genotypes (Bellini, 1998). Of these, 5 strains are currently circulating: B3, D4, D8, D9 and H1. How effective the vaccination against the other 23 genotypes is is not yet known. We know from flu vaccinations how important it is to have the identical genotype of the virus. Currently, the main genotype for measles in many European countries is the D8 and B3 genotype. Type A is no longer mentioned in the statistics at all (Mulders, 2017).
Further research revealed that behind the "measles paradox" lies a segment of the population called LOW VACCINE RESPONDERS. Patients with a low RESPONDER RATE respond poorly to the first dose of measles vaccine. These individuals then show a weak immune response to the subsequent RE-vaccination and quickly return to the pool of "infectious" within 2 to 5 years, despite being fully vaccinated. Re-vaccination cannot correct the low responsiveness: it appears to be an immunogenetic trait. In the United States, the proportion of low responders among children was estimated to be 4.7% (LeBaron et al., 2007).
Between 2012 and 2014, 9% of people with measles in the United States were fully vaccinated (Sowers, 2016).
8. Herd immunity is not possible for measles
Herd immunity for measles cannot be achieved due to vaccine failures (LOW RESPONDERS), and studies of measles outbreaks in Quebec, Canada and China show that measles outbreaks still occur even when vaccine compliance is at its highest (95-97% or even 99). This is because even in fully vaccinated patients, vaccine-induced antibodies wane over time. Vaccine immunity is not the same as lifelong immunity acquired after natural exposure (De Serres et al., 2013).
9. Ineffective timing of measles vaccination
The German Vaccination Commission (STIKO) recommends the measles vaccination at the earliest time when acceptable antibodies are formed: the age of 11 to 14 months. Two Canadian studies (De Serres 2012, Defay 2013) now show that long-term protection is anything but reliable when vaccination is started at this early stage.
10. The use of live viruses in the measles-mumps-rubella vaccination should be viewed critically
The MMR vaccine contains live, weakened viruses that are administered simultaneously. This is problematic because one of the vaccine viruses can cause immunosuppression, which can lead to a gradual infection with the other pathogens (Halsey, 1993).
11. There are effective treatments for measles
Although measles is a viral disease and there are still few effective treatments in the current medical system, there are various treatment options for measles.
a) In contrast to symptom-suppressing classic therapies, holistic medicine focuses on promoting the immune system. This includes a wide range of holistic therapeutic approaches. Allopathic antipyretic medications taken after a vaccination significantly reduce the increase in antibodies and thus also reduce the potential effectiveness (Prymula, 2009). Antipyretic paracetamol after a vaccination has also been described as a significant risk factor for the development of autism (Schultz, 2016). Accordingly, it is also important to allow fever to develop in the case of measles in order to trigger an effective immune response.
b) High doses of vitamin A have been shown to be very effective in the treatment of measles (Abdelwahaban, 2005).
c) Fortunately, therapeutic support exists to mimic the maternal immunity now lost through the vaccination campaigns of the past. Infants, as well as other vulnerable or immunocompromised individuals, can receive immunoglobulins, a potentially life-saving measure that provides antibodies against the virus to prevent or ameliorate disease upon exposure (National archives, UK)
d) Nitazoxanide is a drug from the class of antiparasitics. It is a synthetic 5-nitrothiazolyl salicylamide derivative normally used to treat parasitic infestation, but it has been shown to be effective in measles infection (Piacentini, 2018).
e) Studies have shown that Sephin 1 administration resulted in a “downregulation” of measles virus replication (Fusade-Boyer, 2019).
12. Vitamin A deficiency and measles complications
The WHO advocates the treatment of severe cases of measles and prevention through high doses of vitamin A. Studies indicate a connection between a lack of vitamin A and severe cases of measles (WHO, 1995).
13. Wild viruses vs. vaccine viruses. The potential threat to our future from vaccination
The measles vaccination leads to a significant reduction in the number of circulating wild viruses that, before the measles vaccination, maintained immunity through unnoticed contact. As a result, older people are becoming increasingly ill with measles. Older adults often no longer have sufficient immunity to measles. Levy of Johns Hopkins University (Levy, 1984) concludes that if a measles epidemic were to occur in 2050, over 25,000 deaths could occur. This could affect more risk groups than was the case before the vaccination was introduced. It is therefore worth considering whether the measles vaccination should not be restricted to risk groups in the future, which could restore the previous ecological balance between the virus and the population.
14. Unvaccinated people could infect immunocompromised people and thus endanger them
The press constantly warns that if an unvaccinated child contracts measles and then infects an immunocompromised child who also becomes infected, it poses an incalculable risk. This has never happened. However, the fact that infants can now be infected due to the mothers' lack of nest protection caused by vaccination is not mentioned.
15. Myth of measles eradication
Virologists at the University of Bonn recently identified bats as a natural reservoir of pathogens for viruses such as mumps and measles. This definitely renders the WHO's goal of eradicating measles by vaccinating the entire world population absurd (Drexler, 2014).
16. Infection through the measles vaccination
39% of all measles cases in the United States in 2015 were attributed to the measles vaccine strain (Roy, 2017). Recently vaccinated individuals can be infectious. In fact, two large measles outbreaks in 2011 (in Quebec, Canada, and in New York, NY) were reimported from previously vaccinated individuals (Rosen et al, 2014). The vaccine leaflet simply states: “Shedding of rubella virus in throat secretions is known to occur approximately 7 to 28 days after vaccination, with peak shedding occurring around day 11” (Priorix leaflet). This should be corrected. Studies (Poland, 2012) report the need to develop new vaccines as more and more fully vaccinated individuals not only become ill but also spread the virus.
In recent years, the vaccination rate in Ukraine has been the lowest in Europe at 31%. Nevertheless, there has been little measles (50 cases per year from 2013 to 2016). A vaccination campaign was launched in July 2017 and over 90% of children have been vaccinated. This has led to 12,000 cases of measles so far in 2018. The cause of this is still unknown. Note: In 2006, with a 98% vaccination rate, there were 42,742 cases of measles (Gabriëlle, 2018).
In 2015, of the 194 measles viruses that were genetically sequenced, 73 (37.6%) were vaccine viruses, while in Germany at the same time only 11 (2%) of 542 were vaccine viruses.
17. Every drug, including a vaccine, has side effects in certain individuals
A side effect is an effect that occurs in addition to the intended main effect of a drug. "If it is claimed that a substance has no side effect, there is a strong suspicion that it has no main effect either," said Gustav Kuschinsky, a German pharmacologist (1904-1992).
Information about side effects in the package leaflet of the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine Priorix:
Very common (more than 10%): local redness, fever (rectal: 38°C to 39.5°C; axillary/oral: 37.5°C to 39°C)
Common (1 in 10 to 1 in 100): local pain and swelling, fever (rectal: 39.5°C; axillary/oral: 39.0°C), unusual crying, nervousness, rash
Uncommon (1 in 100 to 1 in 1000): febrile convulsions, parotid swelling, diarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite, other viral infections, otitis media, pharyngitis, upper respiratory tract infections, runny nose, bronchitis, cough, lymphadenopathy
After market launch, the following additional adverse reactions have been reported in temporal association with Priorix vaccination:
1 in 10,000 and more: arthralgia, arthritis, allergic reactions including anaphylactic reactions, Kawasaki syndrome, meningitis, transverse myelitis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, peripheral neuritis, encephalitis, thrombocytopenia, thrombocytopenia purpura, erythema multiforme.
The measles vaccines also contain other additives. These have individual side effects that are often not mentioned. These include (e.g. in the case of MMR II):
1) Chick embryo cell culture:
Type 1 diabetes (T1D), neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders (NMOSD), autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autoimmune diseases
2) Fetal bovine serum, hydrolysed gelatin:
Gelatin allergy, autoimmune diseases, vitiligo, autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Crohn's disease, type 1 diabetes (T1D)
3) Live virus:
4) Measles virus
Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE)
5) Measles virus proteins
Kawasaki disease, type 1 diabetes (T1D), maternal antibody-dependent autism
(Arumugham, V, 2019)
Since the observation period in approval studies is usually only a few days to a few weeks, studies show that the list is actually much longer.
18. Side effects from measles vaccination are potentially only recognized as such if they meet certain requirements
According to VAERS, the American reporting statistics, these include:
A. Anaphylaxis or anaphylactic shock (7 days)
B. Encephalopathy or encephalitis (15 days)
C. Shoulder injury related to vaccine administration
(7 days)
D. Vasovagal syncope (7 days)
E. Acute complications or consequential damage (including death) of the above events (interval - not applicable)
F. Events described in the manufacturer’s package insert as contraindications to additional vaccine doses (VAERS, USA)
19. Side effects from vaccinations are rarely reported. The frequencies in the approval studies of vaccine manufacturers alone should show a much higher reporting rate
According to a study by Harvard University, a maximum of one in a hundred is ever reported (Lazarus, 2007). Studies have reported several common side effects. For example, seizures (Vestergaard, 2004), type 1 diabetes (Classen, 2008) or thrombocytopenia, a serious autoimmune disease (Black, 2003). All of these side effects can be read in the information leaflets for the vaccinations.
20. There is a separate book on autoimmune diseases caused by vaccine side effects with hundreds of studies
Through the discovery of the adjuvant-induced autoimmune syndrome or ASIA, the authors of “Vaccines and Autoimmunity” led by Prof. Shoenfeld, one of the world's leading immunologists, investigate the role of adjuvants - especially aluminum in various vaccines - and how they can induce various clinical autoimmune manifestations in genetically susceptible individuals (Shoenfeld, 2015).
21. Vaccine side effects are common
Vaccine side effects are common and are the reason why 1 in 168 children end up in a hospital emergency room after the 12-month vaccination (measles vaccine) and 1 in 730 children after the 18-month vaccination in the US (Wilson, 2011). No figures are available on the rate in Germany. If the risk of an adverse event requiring an emergency room visit after baby vaccinations is proven to be so high, vaccination must remain a choice for parents who are understandably unwilling to take this immediate risk to protect their children from these diseases that are generally considered mild or to which their children could never be exposed.
22. Compensation payments for those injured by vaccination
If vaccine side effects are described in the press as rare, why, for example, has the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) in the USA already paid out over four billion in compensation to victims? For the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine alone, there were 93,929 serious side effects, 1,810 permanent injuries, 6,902 hospital admissions and 463 deaths due to the vaccination (VAERS).
23. Measles are more dangerous for infants and adults than for school-age children. These age groups for measles disease have only emerged since vaccination
The majority of measles cases in recent U.S. outbreaks (including the recent Disneyland outbreak) are adults and very young babies, whereas in the pre-vaccine era, measles occurred primarily between the ages of 1 and 15. "Natural" measles infection provides lifelong immunity, whereas vaccine immunity wanes over time and adults are not protected by their childhood vaccinations. Measles is more dangerous for infants and adults than for school-age children.
Despite the high prospects of exposure in the pre-vaccination era, measles was virtually non-existent in infants younger than one year of age due to the robust maternal immunity transfer mechanism. The susceptibility of very young babies to measles is the direct result of the intensive mass vaccination campaigns of the past, in which their mothers, who had themselves been vaccinated in childhood, were unable to experience measles naturally at the safe school age and establish stable lifetime immunity, thus transferring antibodies to their babies and protecting them against measles during the first year of life.
24. The inflammation of the brain (SSPE), listed as a late consequence of measles, can also be triggered by the vaccination
It has been proven that SSPE, known as a late complication of measles, can also be triggered by vaccination (Halsey, 1990). A study from 2014 shows that there are genetic variants of the wild measles virus that are not completely eliminated by antibodies formed after vaccination or the disease. These mutations were found particularly frequently in cases of SSPE, so this may provide an explanation for this complication (Kweder, 2014).
25. The claim that unvaccinated people pose a danger to society is scientifically untenable.
The question is also what the 97% of vaccinated people have to fear if they are all protected by vaccines. Harvard immunologist Dr. Tetyana Obukhanych wrote an open letter to lawmakers considering repealing vaccine exemptions, arguing that unvaccinated children pose no greater health risk than vaccinated children (Obukhanych, 2015).
26. Measles vaccines contain ingredients (DNA) from aborted human fetuses
Both the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine MMR II (Merck) and Priorix (Glaxo SmithKline) contain human DNA from aborted fetuses (McKenna, 2018). From a scientific point of view, this is problematic because it can cause sensitization to human DNA. Deisher (Deisher, 2015) was able to detect this DNA contamination in various vaccinations and has been explicitly warning against the use of human genetic information in vaccines for years. Up to 5 nanograms per ml of human DNA can be found in children after the measles vaccination. In the rubella portion of the measles/mumps/rubella vaccination, around 175 nanograms are even found (WHO, 2015). The WHO's questionable limit for human DNA in vaccinations is 10 nanograms. The pieces of genetic information contained in the measles vaccination correspond to DNA strands of around 215 base pairs. According to studies, this level can lead to the activation of the so-called "Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR 9)", which can trigger autoimmune attacks. According to immunologists, fetal DNA in vaccines at this level is a strong inflammatory trigger. This also creates the risk of "cross-reactivity". This means that the body then begins to form antibodies against the body's own DNA fragments that are identical to those from the vaccine. This is because the vaccination has sensitized the body to them. Autistic children, for example, have these antibodies in higher quantities than non-autistic children (Mostafa, 2014). Another very serious and difficult to detect consequence of the injection of human DNA into the body is so-called "insertional mutagenesis". This means that genetic information from the vaccination is integrated into the DNA of the vaccinated children and thereby triggers mutations (changes in the genetic material). In experiments on mice, it was shown that when 1.9 nanograms of mouse DNA were injected, 100% of it was integrated into the mice's genetic material (Mc Neer, 2012). As shown above, the concentration in the vaccines is much higher than this. What is particularly questionable is the approval of the use of human DNA in vaccines used on millions of children worldwide. While every drug normally has to undergo toxicological testing for its ingredients in order to be brought onto the market, this has never been done for human DNA in vaccines. With the "Pontifica Academica Pro Vita", the Vatican is opposing vaccines containing aborted fetuses.
27. Numerous tests of measles vaccines have found contamination in them.
In 2018/19, the Corvelva Institute in Italy was able to show that vaccines of the Priorix Tetra brand (one of the common measles vaccines) had numerous contaminants in the two batches examined. The laboratories found between 115 and 173 different substances. While some were classified as toxic, others as allergenic, others had pharmaceutical effects (e.g. Sildenafil (Viagra), Gabapentin (anti-epileptic), Atovaguone (anti-malaria medication)). Both batches showed contamination with several antibiotics, herbicides, acaricides and morphine metabolites. In addition, some of the samples examined showed contamination with retroviruses such as human endogenous retrovirus K, equine infectious anemia virus (horse), avian leukosis virus (bird) and HERV-H/env62.
28. Nanoparticle contamination in measles vaccine
Nanoparticles can lead to inflammatory reactions in organs and the brain. In 2016 (Gatti, 2016), Dr. Antonietta Gatti (National Council of Research of Italy and the Scientific Director of Nanodiagnostics) found that each of the 44 samples of 30 vaccines contained dangerous contamination. These were contaminations by metals between 100 nm and 10 microns in size. The measles vaccine Priorix contained contaminations by tungsten, nickel and iron.
29. Increase in antibodies is proof of vaccination efficacy, but not actual protection against the disease.
It is known that the increase in antibodies (which officially counts as protection from vaccination, but does not indicate whether it actually protects against the disease) is only detected for short periods of time after vaccination and therefore a large part of the population cannot have immunity to measles anyway. However, our immune system consists of two parts, the TH1 system, the cellular immunity, and the TH2 system, the humoral immunity, which is responsible for antibody production. However, there are people who cannot produce any antibodies at all and are still immune to infectious diseases, while there are also people with high antibody titres who still contract the infectious disease.
30. Measles vaccination and autism
While a Danish study in the media was supposed to show that there is no connection between the measles-mumps-rubella vaccination and autism, over 100 studies show the opposite. Thousands of parents of autistic children report that their children were healthy before the vaccination. One study, for example, showed that after atypical measles or the measles vaccination, there were not only antibodies against the virus, but also that autoantibodies against the body's own central nervous system (MBP, myelin based protein) had formed at the same time (Vijendra, 2002). And this was the case in over 90% of those examined. Arumugham
(Arumugham, 2019) was able to show that in the measles vaccination, both the chick embryo cell culture and the measles virus proteins are described as triggers of autism.
31. Having had measles naturally provides protection against and during illness.
There are a number of studies that show that having measles can have positive effects. Although it is not pleasant to have a high fever for a few days, this stimulation of the immune system also has some potentially positive effects. People who have had measles once have a significantly lower allergy rate (Rosenlund, 2009; Kucukosmanoglu, 2006). Early fever illnesses such as measles significantly reduce the risk of cancer in later life (Albonico, 1998). Spontaneous improvements in untreatable epilepsy have been described after fever infections such as measles (Yamamoto, 2004). Remissions of childhood cancer (Hodgkin lymphoma) have been described after having measles (Mota, 1973). The incidence of malaria was lower during acute measles outbreaks (Rooth, 1991; Rooth, 1992). Spontaneous healing of rheumatism after a measles infection has been described (Simpanen, 1977; Lepore, 1988). Spontaneous healing of psoriasis after a measles infection has also been described (Lintas, 1959; Fomin, 1961).
32. Vaccination studies urgently need comparative studies of vaccinated and non-vaccinated subjects in order to be able to make realistic statements about efficacy and safety.
This has never been done for approval by manufacturers or health authorities. Two of the few independent studies from the USA in 2017 (Mawson, 2017) showed that vaccinated children had 6.5 times more neurological developmental disorders than unvaccinated children. In another study, this factor was even 14.5 times higher.
33. Vaccine manufacturers are not liable for vaccine damage.
In 1982, vaccine manufacturers in the USA (Merck, Wyeth, Lederle, Connaugh) refused to deliver vaccines if the companies were to be held liable. The companies were then released from liability. This was confirmed in 2011 (February 22, 2011, the US Supreme Court). In Germany, neither doctors nor manufacturers are liable for vaccine damage. According to the federal government, the public sector in the federal states, i.e. the taxpayers, assumes provisional liability. What many people do not know, according to the ECJ, is that clear evidence is sufficient in the case of vaccine damage (2017).
34. General questions about the approval of vaccinations must first be re-examined.
Preclinical safety studies are almost non-existent or have little significance. So-called pharmacokinetic studies are not mandatory and are almost never carried out. The practice of setting the observation period for side effects to a maximum of 5-15 days is also questionable, although many side effects can only appear after months or years. There is almost never a placebo group. The so-called "placebo" in vaccine approval studies is usually just a comparison vaccine or a solution with an adjuvant. Since there is no placebo group, there is also no control group. The practice of only including healthy children in the studies also needs to be corrected, as this does not correspond to the social profile. Question marks arise when the approval studies only consider the formation of antibodies and not their effectiveness in effectively reducing the rate of disease. It is common practice these days for approval studies to be carried out without control by the authorities, but only by the manufacturer. International experts are therefore calling for a re-evaluation of the approval of vaccines.
1. Abdelwahab M, recent approach in the treatment of measles, Sudanese Journal of Paediatrics, Vol. 7, 2005
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Measles vaccination part 2:
Dear Parents,
Dear Patient,
Dear doctor,
Subject: Measles vaccination
Please confirm that you, as a parent or patient, and also as the vaccinating doctor, have read this information and the attached facts about the measles vaccination. This is necessary to enable an informed decision about a measles vaccination.
According to the unanimous opinion of all lawyers, any medical treatment that affects the physical integrity of the patient constitutes bodily harm. This applies to both drug therapy and vaccination.
It does not matter whether the treatment was medically indicated, carried out correctly or incorrectly, was successful or unsuccessful, or was carried out with the best medical intentions.
With regard to the human right to self-determination, it is currently solely the decision of the responsible patient whether a certain medical treatment should be carried out by the doctor or not.
Treatment by a doctor is therefore only justified and therefore exempt from punishment if the patient has previously consented to it.
However, only the patient who has been informed by the doctor beforehand can effectively consent to treatment. Only those who know what is happening to them and what risks they are exposed to can consent. If the doctor does not do this, the vaccination is illegal and is equivalent to dangerous bodily harm, regardless of whether any damage occurs later as a result of the vaccination, since the prick with the needle already constitutes such bodily harm.
We would therefore like to ask you to read the following points carefully and then confirm your consent with a signature.
a) The doctor must explain to the patient the nature of the proposed treatment or procedure, not in medical detail, but in general terms. He must also inform the patient of the likely course of the illness if the patient refuses consent.
b) The patient must also be informed about the treatment consequences that are considered safe (e.g. side effects of vaccinations and all other factors that could affect the patient's future life). This also includes the possible method of ruling out allergies to the vaccine ingredients.
c) The patient must also be informed about the chances of recovery and the risk of failure.
d) Only when the patient knows the benefits of the treatment, its risks and the likelihood of success can he decide for himself whether or not he wants to undergo the diagnostic measure or therapy proposed by the doctor.
e) The choice of therapy method is fundamentally subject to the doctor's discretion. He must only inform the patient about alternative treatment methods if they present different or different levels of risk.
a) Even when the greatest care is taken, there are dangers and risks that the doctor cannot control. The patient must be informed of such possible complications and harmful side effects that may occur even if the doctor exercises the necessary care and otherwise provides error-free treatment.
(b) All risks specifically associated with the nature of the procedure must be explained, regardless of how frequently they occur.
(f) The content and extent of the risk information depend essentially on the strength of the medical indication on the one hand and on the severity of the possible complication on the other.
g) If a possible complication has a particular impact on lifestyle (see the package insert for the MMR vaccine Priorix as an example), the patient must be informed about it even if statistically it occurs only very rarely.
Information about side effects in the package leaflet of the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine Priorix:
Very common (more than 10%): local redness, fever (rectal: 38°C to 39.5°C; axillary/oral: 37.5°C to 39°C)
Common (1 in 10 to 1 in 100): local pain and swelling, fever (rectal: 39.5°C; axillary/oral: 39.0°C), unusual crying, nervousness, rash
Uncommon (1 in 100 to 1 in 1000): febrile convulsions, parotid swelling, diarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite, other viral infections, otitis media, pharyngitis, upper respiratory tract infections, runny nose, bronchitis, cough, lymphadenopathy.
After market launch, the following additional adverse reactions have been reported in temporal association with Priorix vaccination:
1 in 10,000 and more: arthralgia, arthritis, allergic reactions including anaphylactic reactions, Kawasaki syndrome, meningitis, transverse myelitis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, peripheral neuritis, encephalitis, thrombocytopenia, thrombocytopenia purpura, erythema multiforme
h) The doctor must explain the course of treatment and the risks in a personal conversation with the patient. He may not be represented by any assistants (nurses, medical assistants).
i) Simply giving the patient a form to read and sign is not enough. However, it is sufficient if the patient is given an information form to read and the doctor then discusses it with him or her or if the doctor conducts the information discussion using a form.
j) To provide information to a person who does not speak German, an interpreter must be called in.
k) Except in emergencies, the information must be provided in good time so that the patient has sufficient time to weigh up the pros and cons of the proposed procedure. In the case of outpatient operations or vaccinations, information on the day of the procedure is sufficient.
l) When treating minors, the consent of both parents with custody must be obtained. Only in emergency cases is the consent of one contactable parent with custody sufficient.
a) Irrespective of the previously discussed duty to provide information arising from the patient's right of self-determination, the doctor has, as a secondary duty under the treatment contract, the duty to inform the patient of certain consequences or risks of the vaccination that may result from the vaccination itself.
b) This includes informing the patient that dizziness and loss of consciousness may occur for a certain period after a vaccination, such as the HPV vaccination, and that the patient should therefore be observed after the vaccination.
The doctor must inform the patient about liability in the event of vaccine damage or the spread of a vaccine-borne measles virus strain by the vaccinated person and explain who is responsible for the damage caused. This is because there is a claim for compensation for health damage that occurs in connection with vaccinations publicly recommended by the highest state authority if the vaccination was carried out in the federal state in question. The probability of a causal connection is sufficient. The doctor is also liable for consequential damage after the vaccination if it was not carried out according to specialist standards. This is the case, for example, if the doctor is aware of contraindications and the patient should not receive the vaccine at all. This is the case, for example, if the patient is allergic to certain components of the vaccine.
According to the package insert, contraindications for the vaccination are:
1. As with other vaccines, vaccination with Priorix should be postponed in case of an acute illness accompanied by fever (note: from an immunological point of view, any fever is a contraindication as it is a sign of activation of the immune system).
2. The use of Priorix is contraindicated in people who have previously had hypersensitivity to chicken egg protein or in people with a known hypersensitivity to neomycin or any other component of the vaccine (amino acids, human albumin, lactose (anhydrous), mannitol, neomycin sulfate, sorbitol, phenol red, sodium chloride, potassium chloride, magnesium sulfate, calcium chloride, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, disodium hydrogen phosphate).
3. People with a weakened immune response should not be vaccinated with Priorix. This also includes patients with congenital or acquired immune deficiencies.
4. Priorix is contraindicated during pregnancy. After vaccination, reliable contraception should be ensured for a period of three months.
Note: According to current scientific knowledge, people who have had measles should theoretically not be vaccinated.
I have inquired about and been informed about all legal requirements for a measles vaccination and now agree to the measles vaccination.
place, date
.............................................. ...................................
Vaccinating doctor (name) Parents/patient (name)
I would also like to ask the editors to draw the attention of the audience to the documentation by parents of children who have been affected by (measles) vaccines.
in which US scientist Dr. Stephanie Seneff provides an outlook on the increase in diseases and disabilities caused by vaccination
clearly and coherently, explaining exactly up to which years children and young people will be vaccinated against
external help. Please watch and listen to the film VAXXED- From Coverup
to Catastrophe. Without knowing these backgrounds, it will be difficult to create a value-free program.
Please avoid stirring up fear of the disease among the population.
I wish you good luck with this difficult issue.
Mag. Claudia Millwisch