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European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance
We Stand for Freedom of Choice In Vaccination For All Europeans

Czech Republic: mandate dismissed

In December 2021 Czech government announced mandatory vaccination for everyone over 60,

healthcare personnel, police, firemen, military starting on March 1st.

After a lot of actions (letters and declarations from physicians, nurses, lawyers and students, demonstrations)

on 19th of January the government CANCELLED this mandate! This is one victory!

Other battles and pressures await but we do not give up.

Be sure to check these beautiful photos from the demonstration on January 9, 202.

Some of the posters say: ''we do not give you our children'', ''the emperor is naked'', ''defend all children'', ''enough'', ''freedom'', ''Nurenberg 2.0'' and ''don't take our freedom away''

...and on a hoodie ''Interfecti mei resurgent'' taken from the Bible, Isaiah 26:19 : The dead shall rise again.

Photo demonstration Czech people