Michèle RIVASI and Rosa D'AMATO MEPs in cooperation with
Notre Bon Droit, NBD Europe and Panda invite you to the webinar:
"Covid European Digital Certificate: Assessment and Perspectives"
which will take place on 20 April 2022 from 13:00 to 15:00
Interpretation EN/FR/IT
▶️ Online registration at the following link: here
Among the invited experts:
-Dr. Martin Zizi, MD-PhD, Molecular Biophysics, former Director of
Epidemiology and Chairman of the Ethics Committee, Belgium,
-Mr. Yuri Biondi, Senior Research Fellow CNRS, France,
-Dr. Alberto Donzelli, Professor at the School of Specialisation in Hygiene and
and Preventive Medicine, University of Milan, Italy,
-Dr. Bernard Rentier, Biologist and virologist, former rector of the University of Liège
University of Liège, Belgium.
The NBD legal opinion on the extension of the European digital certificate
Covid and its compatibility with European law will also be presented.
Register now!!!
To be shared and spread widely