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European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance
We Stand for Freedom of Choice In Vaccination For All Europeans

Where is this going?

We have to ask ourselves where all this GreenPass insanity that has nothing to do with green is leading us.

In Italy the ''super green pass'' has been announced on 15th of October. Workers had to present a certificate just to go to work.

This is a clearly unconstitutional measure. And on the same day massive chaos broke out in public transportation in Padova (here),

there was a sudden increase in sick leave (here) and in Tolmezzo out of eleven only one carabiniere (military force with law enforcement) showed up

for work, while six were without greenpass and three took a sick leave (here).

The same thing has been happening elsewhere in Europe and USA. Hospitals are understaffed because of covid shot mandates (here and here).

Where is this leading to? Looks like everything is crumbling.

On the other side, this is a sign that many people still know that freedom is not negotiable.

Discrimination is not acceptable.

We stand in solidarity with every brave human being fighting for inalienable basic human rights.